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Assam History Quiz for ADRE 2.0

Assam History Quiz for ADRE 2.0 1 / 15 1. Who was the only representative from Assam as well as Northeast India to the drafting committee of the Indian constitution?ভাৰতীয় সংবিধানৰ খচৰা প্ৰস্তুত সমিতিলৈ অসমৰ লগতে উত্তৰ-পূব ভাৰতৰ পৰাও একমাত্ৰ প্ৰতিনিধি কোন আছিল? ক)...

NHAI Recruitment 2021: 42 Finance & Accounts Personnel Vacancy

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI). Last Date: 12/04/2021. National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has released a notification for the recruitment of 42 Finance & Accounts Personnel vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates may apply here. 1. Deputy...

Tezpur Mechanical Circle Recruitment : Post for Grade IV Vacancy

Tezpur Mechanical Circle Recruitment 2021 : Tezpur Mechanical Circle ,Irrigation Tezpur has released a notification for the recruitment of Peon and Chowkidar Vacancy under Superintending Engineer and Executive Engineer in Irrigation Department Tezpur For O/o...